Macías-Macías, JO., Quezada-Euán, JJG., Contreras-Escareño, F., Tapia González, JM., Moo-Valle, H., Ayala. R. 2011. Comparative temperature tolerance in stingless bee species from tropical highlands and lowlands of Mexico and implications for their conservation (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini). Apidologie 42 (6):679-689.
The objective of this study was to
evaluate the temperature sensitivity of three stingless bee species, one
from the tropical highland transition Neartic-Neotropical region (Melipona colimana) and two from the tropical lowland regions (Melipona beecheii and Scaptotrigona hellwegeri)
of Mexico. The changes in thoracic temperature, behavior, and mortality
rate of workers and pupae of the three species submitted to control
high and low temperatures were assessed. Workers of highland M. colimana
regurgitated water and fanned their wings when submitted to high
temperatures, a behavior reported here for the first time in a stingless
bee. M. colimana consumed syrup and increased its thoracic temperature in response to cold environment. Workers and pupae of M. colimana experienced lower mortality rates than M. beecheii and S. hellwegeri. The results of this study showed the tolerance of M. colimana
to a wider temperature range, possibly as a response to extreme
conditions in its native environment. The implications of thermal
susceptibility differences for the conservation of highland and lowland
stingless bees are discussed.
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