viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

Domínguez-Ayala R., Moo-Valle H., May-Itzá W. de J., Medina-Peralta S., Quezada-Euán, J. J. G. (2016) Stock composition of northern neotropical honey bees: mitotype and morphotype diversity in México (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Apidologie 47: 642-652

 Abstract – The stock of honey bees in the northern neotropics is likely a composite of European and African lineages, but the genetic makeup of most populations in this region has remained unstudied.We analyzed the genetic composition of honey bees across temperate and tropical regions of Mexico using mitochondrial and morphometric analyses. The results showed that honey bees from Mexico are descendent almost in similar proportion from matrilines of African and European origins. However, morphometrics indicate that most colonies are the result of extensive introgressive hybridization with Africanized bees.While large-scale displacement of European honey bees seems to have occurred in the tropical regions, higher frequencies of colonies with a mixed range of African- European markers were identified in the temperate areas. Our results suggest that the outcome of the hybridization between Africanized and European honey bees in Mexico has been significantly associated with climate.

PDF Apidologie

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Fernando Amin Fleites Ayil

Tesis de Maestría: Efecto de Nosema ceranae sobre el comportamiento de forrajeo de la abeja melífera africanizada (Apis mellifera) bajo condiciones tropicales.

Asesores: Dr Luis Medina Medina  y Dr J Javier Quezada Euán

Fecha de examen: 26 de Nov. del 2015.


TITLE: Phenotypic plasticity and reproduction-longevity life-history trade-off: investigating the underlying basis in an orchid bee at the cusp of sociality

In collaboration with , MLU Halle-Wittenberg Project Leader: Professor Robert J. Paxton

Summary: Socially polymorphic species, in which different members of the same species exhibit either solitary or social behaviour, provide unrivalled model systems for exploring the role of sociality in fundamental biological processes. Using a socially polymorphic orchid bee species which can be induced to nest in artificial observation boxes in the field, we shall describe the gene expression profiles of solitary and social (worker and queen) phenotypes to identify key genes underpinning the genetic bauplan of eusociality. By experimentally enhancing/diminishing brood food, we shall test the longevity-reproduction trade-off in the solitary phenotype and test whether there exists a longevity-reproduction correlation in the eusocial phenotype, and use gene expression profiles to identify its genetic basis.