jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

IX Congreso Mesoamericano sobre abejas Nativas- Abril 23-25 de 2015, San Cristobal de las Casas Chiapas, México.

De izq. a derecha: Javier Quezada-Euán, Victor González, Ismael Hinojosa-Díaz, Valeria Morales-García, Jorge Mérida, Ricardo Ayala y Carlos Vergara.

martes, 21 de abril de 2015

Quezada-Euán J.J.G.; Sheets H.D.; De Luna E.; Eltz T. (2015) Identification of cryptic species and morphotypes in male Euglossa: morphometric analysis of forewings (Hymenoptera: Euglossini). Apidologie 46: 787-795


 Males of sibling orchid bees Euglossa viridissima and E. dilemma are morphologically cryptic, except for the number and shape of mandibular teeth. An alternative morph of E. viridissima has a third tooth similar to males of E. dilemma. We used this model system to evaluate the potential of wing morphometrics for the resolution of these groups. We found differences in the size characters of forewings of E. viridissima and E. dilemma albeit with substantial overlapping amongst them. However, geometric morphometrics of forewing vein intersections separated both species and, to a lesser extent, morphotypes. A discriminant analysis of the shape of the radial cell showed separation between all three groups, too, albeit with higher misclassification between E. viridissima and E. dilemma. We show that sibling cryptic species and morphotypes can be identified by geometric morphometrics, supporting its application with other methods as powerful aids to infrageneric taxonomy in bees.

Macías-Macias J.O; Quezada-Euán J.J.G. (2015) Quantification of brood emergence and distribution of individuals in M. colimana (Hymenoptera-Meliponini) in temperate climate. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Pec. 6: 233-241


Melipona colimana is a stingless bee endemic of Mexico that inhabiting temperate regions of the Southern State of Jalisco. Observations were made during the fall to infer the possible participation of the workers in the production of males. The behavior of workers and queen in provisioning and oviposition process (POP) was analyzed, the proportion of individuals was obtained in the brood combs and their spatial distribution for detecting clusters of males. In the analysis of POPs no evidence of reproductive labor activity of workers were observed. In the brood combs, 65.9 % of individuals that emerged were workers, 22.4 % males (without registering agglomerations) and 11.5 % were gynes. It was observed that the production of sexed individuals (males and gynes) was higher than tropical species, which could be a strategy of this species to ensure their reproduction in temperate climates. Having no visual evidence of the activity of reproductive workers together with the fact that no clusters of males in the brood combs were found, suggests that in this species at this time of year, all the eggs that developed as males come from the queen. With the results of this study, knowledge of the particular biology of this mountain stingless bee species is extended and a comparison with tropical species is made

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Eva Yolotzin Gutiérrez Gamiño

 Tesis de Maestría: Efecto del alimento larval en el perfil de hidrocarburos cuticulares y reconocimiento de reinas vírgenes de abejas Scaptotrigona pectoralis (Hymenoptera:Meliponini)

Asesor: Dr J Javier Quezada Euán

Marzo 2015 

PDF Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Dr. Samuel Vieira Boff

Estancia Postdoctoral en conjunto con la Universidad de Halle, Alemania (Noviembre 2013- Marzo 2014) para estudiar comportamiento de guardia en nidos con hembras múltiples de Euglossa viridissima